Friday, May 15, 2009

Rant by Chuck Palahniuk




I don’t even know where to start. If you’ve read anything by Palahniuk you already know that there really is no quick summary I can give.

I still haven’t decided if Palahniuk is a very dark comedy writer or a very funny gloomy Gus.

I do know that Choke might no longer be my favorite of his works.

Thanks to Evil Darien, I’m in the middle of an experiment. He burned me a copy of Rant the audio book.

So, I’ve been listening in my car as I’ve been reading this, always keeping about a hundred pages or so behind.

Um, this was the first time I had ever listened to an audio book, much less listening to it as I read the book.

Turns out, this is the perfect book to try this with.

The way Palahniuk slowly reveals his characters, listening to the audio books behind reading the book, everything takes on new meaning, things you haven’t caught before.

So now that I’ve finished the book, I can listen to the rest of the CDs.

I’m kind of anxious to see what I hadn’t noticed or realized the significance of the first time I read it.

This will most likely be one of those rare books that I actually revisit within the year.

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