Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gluttony by various

I know that usually, I put the pictures of the book covers here to give you a point of reference, but I found this bad-ass picture instead and the cover of this book is really nothing special. So, enjoy.

Gluttony, is a collection of shorts, poems and essays about well, Gluttony. Hence the title. I picked it up like a couple of years ago because it was on a clearance rack (actually, it might have actually been at Deal$.) or something and one of the stories was written by Woody Allen so I figured, “Hey, what’s the worst that can happen?” Well, I’ll tell you. The worst that can happen is you can have to read a lot of tedious shit. There were a couple of pieces that were pretty entertaining, A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole and Notes from the Overfed by Woody Allen were pretty damn funny. And Feast by Diane Mason was surprisingly creepy. I’m pretty sure it was supposed to represent what gluttons have to look forward in Hell. On the whole, though this collection really didn’t amount to much. But if you’re in Deal$ and have a dollar, these three pieces are probably entertaining enough to justify paying 33 & ½ cents apiece for.

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